犹他大学(University of Utah)Feng Liu教授将访问微纳中心并作精彩报告
犹他大学(University of Utah)材料科学与工程学院Feng Liu教授将于6月20日到我校金属材料强度国家重点实验室微纳尺度材料与行为研究中心(CAMP-Nano)交流访问,届时将做精彩报告。
(1) Computational materials science and engineering
报告人简介 :

His group interests lie in the materials modeling and simulation from the atomic to mesoscopic scales. They develop and apply both first-principles computational methods and phenomenological theoretical models to study a wide spectrum of materials properties in various materials systems. Most recently, they have focused on modeling and simulation of properties of surfaces and interfaces, growth mechanisms of thin films, and self-assembly and self-organization of nanostructures.
His Professional Activities are as below:
Publications: Over 150 refereed publications including 40+ Physical Review Letters, 3 Nature, 2 Advanced Materials , 2 Nano Letters and 2 ACS Nano; plus 8 book/encyclopedia chapters, and 14 invited reviews/papers.
Presentations: Over 150 national and international plenary and invited talks, lectures, and seminar presentations; numerous contributed presentations at national and international conferences.
Patents/disclosures: 5 patents and 6 invention disclosures
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; Open Journal of Materials Science, Editor of Symposium Proceeding for 1999 MRS Spring Meeting.