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2015-11-20 17:19 来源:未知 浏览:

报告人:徐万强 研究员 新南威尔士大学材料科学与工程学院
Ultra-light weight alloys with high strength, ductility and corrosion resistance are desirable for applications in the automotive, aerospace, defence, biomedical, sporting and electronic goods sectors. Ductility and corrosion resistance are generally inversely correlated with strength, making it difficult to optimize all three simultaneously. Here we design an ultralow density (1.4 g/cm3) Mg–Li-based alloy that is strong, ductile, and more corrosion resistant than Mg-based alloys reported so far. The alloy is Li-rich and a solute nanostructure within a body-centred cubic matrix is achieved by a series of extrusion, heat treatment and rolling processes. Corrosion resistance from the environment is believed to occur by a uniform lithium carbonate film in which surface coverage is much greater than in traditional hexagonal close-packed Mg-based alloys, explaining the superior corrosion resistance of the alloy.
徐万强博士本科毕业于河北科技大学,于1991和2002年分别于西安理工大学和新西兰的奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland)取得材料科学与工程硕士,2007年于澳大利亚的新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales)取得工学博士学位。目前作为一名研究员在位于澳大利亚悉尼的新南威尔士大学材料科学与工程学院从事材料科学与工程研究。研究领域包括:(1)新型晶态,非晶态合金及其复合材料的设计:超强抗腐蚀高成型性纳米镁合金,新型薄带连铸合金,新型块体非晶合金复合材料,铸态奥氏体贝氏体灰铸铁,双相不锈钢;(2) 形变热处理及固态相变:金属和合金的形变及回火机制,黑色及有色金属加工处理过程中的相变,通过织构强化金属材料;(3),近终型铸造:黑色及有色金属的薄带连铸,黑色及有色金属的连续铸造,晶态和非晶态金属超薄甩带;(4)利用各种先进表征工具,如SEM,TEM, 2-D 以及3-D EBSD,TKD,XRD,3-D原子探针,分析和表征从原子尺度到宏观领域的各种组织结构;(5)利用科学方法和实验手段,分析和解决金属材料及其产品在生产过程中产生的质量问题。在过去几年内共在国际期刊发表论文40 余篇。