学术报告通知:Publishing in Nature Journals
主讲人:Dr. John Plummer Nature Materials 高级编辑
摘要: Nature Publishing Group offers a number of journals for the publication of peer-reviewed papers. This talk will present an overview of the Nature family of journals, including: 1) criteria for publication, and what the editors are looking for, 2) advice on how to prepare a paper for submission, and 3) the dos and don’ts of scientific publication. The aim of this talk is to improve understanding of Nature journals, and how to prepare and submit a manuscript for consideration.
个人简介:John earned a MEng in materials science and engineering from the University of Sheffield, UK, and remained there for a PhD, investigating the mechanical properties of metallic glasses. He then moved to Imperial College London to lecture on deformation mechanisms in materials, and to investigate the compression of micropillars of metals and ceramics via in-situ synchrotron experiments. John started with Nature Communications in January 2013, and then joined Nature Materials in October 2014, where he handles manuscripts on structural materials, glasses, multiferroics and other topics of condensed matter physics.
Dr. John Plummer博士连读于英国谢菲尔德大学材料科学与工程系,主攻金属玻璃方向。博士后就读于(伦敦大学)帝国理工大学,研究材料的变形机理。2013年1月起,John在《Nature Communications》做高级编辑,随后于2014年10月加入《Nature Materials》,主管结构材料、玻璃、多铁性材料以及其他凝聚态物理学等方向的稿件。